Menu dropdown change to a link

Topic: Menu dropdown change to a link

Mighty Midget pro asked 6 years ago


Is it possible to change the behaviour of the dropdowns so that when the

  • element is clicked to open the dropdown it becomes a clickable link?

    Basically replicating the behaviour of the menu on this page

  • Piotr Glejzer staff commented 6 years ago

    But we have 'links' in our dropdowns too, so I don't understand your question. Can you show me the code of an example of this or explain more specifically. Thanks.

    Mighty Midget pro commented 6 years ago


    We have a navbar with a dropdown menu item. To open the dropdown we click on the menu item. Once the dropdown has opened I need the dropdown menu item to become a hyperlink but revert to a dropdown menu item on close.

    Example navbar

    Menu 1 | Menu 2 | Menu 3

    When menu 1 is clicked a dropdown with 3 subitems is displayed but Menu 1 becomes a link to another page on the site. If the user closes the dropdown menu 1 reverts back to a normal dropdown trigger.

    The link I supplied has a nice example on its menus.

    Piotr Glejzer staff commented 6 years ago

    We don't have that in our documentation. You can use JavaScript to create this.

    Mighty Midget pro commented 6 years ago

    Hi, that's where it gets difficult. I'm primarily a backend developer and have no idea how bootstrap/mdb/jquery works together. Do you have anything you could point me towards that could help?

    Piotr Glejzer staff commented 6 years ago

    we don't have exmaple for create this element so I can't link to specific docs about that. I will look on that in my free time.

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    Specification of the issue
    • User: Pro
    • Premium support: No
    • Technology: MDB jQuery
    • MDB Version: 4.7.4
    • Device: PC
    • Browser: chrome
    • OS: windows
    • Provided sample code: No
    • Provided link: Yes