Topic: mdb select on datatable
$status=' <select class="mdb-select status colorful-select dropdown-primary" id="status"> <option value="0">Application Submited</option> <option value="1">CDR Received</option> <option value="2">Send To IO</option> <option value="3">NO DATA</option> </select>';"columns" : [ { "data": '', render: function (data, type, row, meta) { return meta.row + meta.settings._iDisplayStart + 1;}}, { "data" : "reference_num" }, { "data" : "application_date"}, { "data" : "fir_num"} , { "data" : "fir_date" }, { "data" : "fir_io"}, { "data" : "fir_us"} , { "data" : "offense" }, { "data" : "ps"}, { "data" : "status"} , { "data" : "actions" } ] }); $('.status').material_select(); $('#datatable_filter').css('text-align','right'); $('th').css('text-align','center'); $('tbody').css('text-align','center'); $('#datatable_wrapper').find('label').each(function () { $(this).parent().append($(this).children()); }); $('#datatable_filter input').attr("placeholder", "Search"); $('#datatable_wrapper .dataTables_length').addClass('d-flex flex-row'); $('#datatable_wrapper .dataTables_filter').addClass('md-form'); $('#datatable_wrapper select').removeClass('custom-select custom-select-sm form-control form-control-sm'); $('#datatable_wrapper select').addClass('mdb-select'); $('#datatable_wrapper .mdb-select').material_select(); $('#datatable_wrapper .dataTables_filter').find('label').remove(); $('#datatable_length label').css('margin-top','25px'); $('.select-wrapper ').css('margin-left','20px'); $('#mdb-preloader').css('display','none'); the dropdown is not initializing
pro answered 6 years ago
Anna Morawska staff commented 6 years ago
Hi leegellie, thank you for sharing your observation with us!FREE CONSULTATION
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- User: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB jQuery
- MDB Version: 4.5.9
- Device: desktop
- Browser: chrome
- OS: win 10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
Anna Morawska staff commented 7 years ago
Hi, do you have a working example? What are the steps to reproduce this issue? It looks like you have two material selects. Maybe try to add additional, unique class to the second one and then initialize it using your custom class. Best, Ania