Manually launch wave effect

Topic: Manually launch wave effect

jouvrard pro asked 5 years ago


Is there a method to launch manually a wave effect with a script?


Jerome Ouvrard

AdamJakubowski staff pro premium priority answered 5 years ago

Hi ,

I do not know if I understand correctly but did you mean this: ? (launch via JavaScript)

Best Regards,


jouvrard pro answered 5 years ago

Sorry, my question wasn't clear.

In fact, I'd like to "activate" a wave effect on a div after for example 10s. So, I have my javascript counter but I'd like to know how can I launch this effect automatically (and not manually, sorry again…).



AdamJakubowski staff pro premium priority answered 5 years ago


try this

   $(function(){ //paste your code here

paste it between your <script> tag

jouvrard pro answered 5 years ago

Hum, sorry, but I can't see anything in your code. Only "$(function(){ //paste your code here});", and the problem for me is to have the code between the "{". :)

AdamJakubowski staff pro premium priority answered 5 years ago


Try to paste this between your <script> tag :

$(function(){ $("your element").addClass("waves-effect");});

in part "your element" paste class of the element responsible for wave effect in your code



jouvrard pro answered 5 years ago


With this code I initialize the wave effect for an element, but what I would like is to launch the effect automatically, without clicking the button, is it possible?

I tried with a function like this:


The click is done (if I add an "alert" it works), but the wave effect isn't present (I have the waves-effect class in my element)



TomekMakowski staff answered 5 years ago


You can always use $("#maNote").click() and this will simulate a click.



jouvrard pro answered 5 years ago

Yes, it's the same effect than trigger('click'). :)

But even with this:

$( document ).ready(function() {
        alert( "ready!" );

            alert("The paragraph was clicked.");

I have the "ready!" alert, and after the "The paragraph was clicked"... but no wave effect with a javascript click simulation. :(

I Don't know if there is a function like "$(".maNote").waves-effect()" for example?

jouvrard pro answered 5 years ago

It's now OK for me, I found the solution on

For example, if you want to launch a waves effect after 3s after the document is opened:

$( document ).ready(function() {
        setTimeout(function(){Waves.ripple('.myElement')}, 3000);

jouvrard pro answered 5 years ago


It's Strange because I update my topic fex days ago with this solution (and it works! :)), but today I Don't see it, only your answer. :(

So, with:

$(document).ready(function() { Waves.ripple('#but_1'); });

It works, thanks! :)

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  • User: Pro
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  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.8.0
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  • Provided sample code: No
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