Topic: Installing Sortable Plugin in a working site
I have a site which is already up and running with MDB 4.5.12. I purchased the Sortable plugin in order to add that functionality to a portion of the project. That version was MDB-Sortable_4.7.4
What's unclear from the HTML sample file is exactly how to incorporate the plugin to an existing site.
I was expecting to see something like a sortable.js and sortable.css and perhaps some supported folders of images or something, but all that is in the Downloadable plugin is the same MDB.js and jquery-ui.
I realize that sortable is actually primarily a jquery-ui tool, but how do I make your treatment of sortable work in my page?
pro answered 6 years ago
OK - if all we need is the jquery-ui.min.js and the freely available jquery-ui-touch-punch, what exactly am I paying for with my 29 euros? Is there some MDB treatment of sortable that you are providing? I'm already using jquery-ui.min.js 1.12.1 which I currently have loaded prior to mdb.js. I will move it below the mdb.js and see what happens.
Damian Gemza
staff answered 6 years ago
Our MDB product jQuery has classes that are closely related to jQuery Sortable. Although at first glance this code may not differ, it works a little differently.
If you feel the need, please contact our Customer Care department for further discussion. You will find them at this address:
Greetings, Damian
Damian Gemza
staff answered 6 years ago
Dear cdenby,
Please open the MDB-Sortable_4.7.4/js/addons directory, and copy the jquery-ui.min.js
and jquery-ui-touch-punch.min.js
files to your site's js directory.
After this, import that files in your index.html
file right after importing the mdb.min.js
Now your site is able to use the Sortable plugin.
Best Regards,
pro answered 6 years ago
One other note on the Sortable utility that folks should know. It appears that the sortable objects must be visible before they can be activated. if you try to activate them before they are visible, it will fail.I was using fadeIn with an Ajax call to put the sortable objects on the screen, but because my call to .sortable() was prior to them being visible, it failed.I needed to perform the delay operation to get it to work:
$(container).one("webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend", function() {
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- User: Pro
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB jQuery
- MDB Version: 4.5.12
- Device: PC
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: WIN10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No