Topic: How to update Minimalist charts barcolor?
Piotr Glejzer
staff answered 7 years ago
We have a function for you.
$(function () { $('.min-chart#chart-sales').easyPieChart({ barColor: function (percent) { return (percent < 50 ? '#5cb85c' : percent < 85 ? '#f0ad4e' : '#cb3935'); }, size: 150, scaleLength: 7, trackWidth: 5, lineWidth: 5, onStep: function (from, to, percent) { $(this.el).find('.percent').text(Math.round(percent)); } }); });
Best regards,
Piotr Glejzer
staff answered 7 years ago
In our documentation in minimalist charts section we have an example how to change a color of charts.
Link to documentation (step 3):
Is that resolve your problem?
Best regards,
boyd8811 pro commented 7 years ago
Maybe my question was not clear. Is it possilbe to update the color in onStep function? The code provided in your docs shows the barColor being set on initialize. I'm curious if this can be updated as it changes values.FREE CONSULTATION
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