Formular - Dropdown ( Select Field ) in php Site

Topic: Formular - Dropdown ( Select Field ) in php Site

DaMaxl premium asked 4 years ago

Hi Guys, i want to create a dropdown field in a formual via php. the dropdown works ( all options in the select are created normal ).

by submitting all the field to another site i receive all fields respectively all values of the fields of the formular exept the value of the dropdown field...and i don't know why.

Script of Dropdown:


<div class='modal fade' id='exampleModalLongSC".$KitchConfigID."' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='exampleModalLongTitleSC".$KitchConfigID."' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'>

  <div class='modal-dialog modal-dialog-scrollable' role='document'>

    <div class='modal-content'>
        <form id='contact-form".$KitchConfigID."' name='contact-form".$KitchConfigID."' action='_pages/_kitchenconfig/adm_saveKitchConfig.php?Nav=".$NavHash."&kcid=".$KitchConfigID."' method='POST'>

        <div class='modal-header'>
            <h5 class='modal-title' id='exampleModalLongTitleSC".$KitchConfigID."'>
            <button form='contact-form".$KitchConfigID."'type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='Close'>
              <span aria-hidden='true'>×</span>

      <div class='modal-body'>
            <div class='row'>

                <div class='col-sm-12'>
                    <div class='md-form mb-0 form-sm'>
                        <input value='".$KitchConfig."' type='text' id='configname".$KitchConfigID."' name='configname".$KitchConfigID ."' class='form-control'>
                        <label for='configname".$KitchConfigID ."' class=''>Config Name:</label>


            <div class='row'>
                <div class='col-sm-12'>
                    <div class='md-form mb-0 form-sm'>
                        <select id='designer".$KitchConfigID."' name='designer".$KitchConfigID."' class='mdb-select md-form' searchable='Search here..'>");
                            $designersql = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_contacts` ORDER BY `FirstName`";
                            $resultdesigner = $conn->query($designersql);
                            if ($resultdesigner->num_rows > 0) {
                                while($rowdesigner = $resultdesigner->fetch_assoc()) {
                                    $DesignerName = $rowdesigner["FirstName"]." ".$rowdesigner["LastName"];
                                    $DesignerID = $rowdesigner["ContactID"];
                                            echo("<option value='designer' selected='selected'>".$DesignerName."</option>");
                                        else {
                                            echo("<option value='designer'>".$DesignerName."</option>");
                        <label for='designer".$KitchConfigID."' class=''>Designer:</label>

            <div class='row'>

                <div class='col-lg-12'>
                    <div class='md-form mb-0 form-sm'>
                        <input value='".$KitchReason."' type='text' id='reason".$KitchConfigID."' name='reason".$KitchConfigID."' class='form-control'>
                        <label for='reason".$KitchConfigID."' class=''>Reason:</label>


            <div class='row'>

                <div class='col-lg-12'>
                    <div class='md-form mb-0 form-sm'>
                      <textarea type='text' id='keynote".$KitchConfigID."' name='keynote".$KitchConfigID."' class='md-textarea form-control'>".$KitchKeyNote."</textarea>
                        <label for='keynote".$KitchConfigID."' class=''>Key Note:</label>


            <div class='row'>

                <div class='col-lg-12'>
                    <div class='md-form mb-0 form-sm'>
                      <textarea type='text' id='comment".$KitchConfigID."' name='comment".$KitchConfigID."' class='md-textarea form-control'>".$KitchComment."</textarea>
                        <label for='comment".$KitchConfigID."' class=''>Comment:</label>

            <div class='row'>
                <div class='custom-control custom-checkbox custom-control-inline'>
                    <label class='form-check-label' for='stdchkbox".$KitchConfigID."'>Standard</label>
                <div class='custom-control custom-checkbox custom-control-inline'>
                      <label class='form-check-label' for='activchkbox".$KitchConfigID."'>Activ</label>

      <div class='modal-footer'>
        <div class='container col-sm-12'>
            <div class='md-form mb-0 float-left'>
                <small><small> Created: ".$KitchCreatedBy."&nbsp;&nbsp;(&nbsp;".$KitchCreatedDate."&nbsp)
                Last Edit: ".$KitchLastEditBy."&nbsp;&nbsp;( ".$KitchLastEditDate."&nbsp)
            <div class='md-form mb-0 float-right'>
                <button type='submit' class='btn btn-outline-danger waves-effect btn-sm float-right'>Save <i class='fas fa-magic ml-1'></i></button>




on the forwarded Site: all Values could be requested via $_Post ... only the select field is empty ( By the way...also the checkbox is empty in case that the checkbox is not checked ) ... maybe you also have an Idea for that.

The code on that page is:

$NavHash = $_GET["Nav"];
$upd_KitchConfigID = $_GET["kcid"];
$upd_KitchConfig = $_POST["configname$upd_KitchConfigID"];
$upd_KitchConfigDesigner = $_POST["designer$upd_KitchConfigID"];
$upd_KitchConfigReason = $_POST["reason$upd_KitchConfigID"];
$upd_KitchConfigKeyNote = $_POST["keynote$upd_KitchConfigID"];
$upd_KitchConfigComment = $_POST["comment$upd_KitchConfigID"];
$upd_KitchConfigStandard = $_POST["stdchkbox$upd_KitchConfigID"];
$upd_KitchConfigActiv = $_POST["activchkbox$upd_KitchConfigID"];

echo("upd_KitchConfigID: <b>".$upd_KitchConfigID."</b><br>");
echo("upd_KitchConfig: <b>".$upd_KitchConfig."</b><br>");
echo("upd_KitchConfigDesigner: <b>".$upd_KitchConfigDesigner."</b><br>");
echo("upd_KitchConfigReason: <b>".$upd_KitchConfigReason."</b><br>");
echo("upd_KitchConfigKeyNote: <b>".$upd_KitchConfigKeyNote."</b><br>");
echo("upd_KitchConfigComment: <b>".$upd_KitchConfigComment."</b><br>");
echo("upd_KitchConfigStandard: <b>".$upd_KitchConfigStandard."</b><br>");
echo("upd_KitchConfigActiv: <b>".$upd_KitchConfigActiv."</b><br><br>");
echo("NavHash: <b>".$NavHash."</b><br>");


I receive an Notice on that page: "Undefined index: desinger2 in ...." This notice i receive for the dropdown field and the checkbox

i hope you can help me in that case?!!!

thnx so much in advance. BR, Max

PS: Sorry...i'm a newby ( so the code seems not that professional )

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 4 years ago

Hi. It doesn't look like a problem with our package. I'm not very good at php, but I don't see a function that would pass the form data on submit to another page. Besides, I wonder why you use the get method alternately with the post method?

DaMaxl premium commented 4 years ago

Hey Gregorz, thnx for your prob with the package. GET - POST method: just for some testing stuff ;-)

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 4 years ago

I understand. Can you show the code responsible for getting the value from selecta and passing it to another page?

DaMaxl premium commented 4 years ago

Hey Grzegorz, i tried some staff...

it is not possible by using the followed class: ' class='mdb-select md-form'

BUT with ' class='md-select md-form'

With "mdb-select" the formular do not forward this field ( no variable will be created in the form array ).

With "md-select" it does. Do you know why this can happen? BR

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 4 years ago

I can't tell without code... I need to see the code you use to retrieve the value. Then I can check why it doesn't work

DaMaxl premium commented 4 years ago

Hi Grzegorz,

the select field:

its a normal formular with "POST" method

the code to retrieve ( php ):$upd_KitchConfigDesigner = $_POST["designer$upd_KitchConfigID"]

more information is written i the request above. There you can see more parts of the codes.

Here is another example to show that some select fields are working and some not:

there should be in the first column: - Designer ( not working )

in the scond column: - Product Area ( ok ) - Material Typ ( not working ) - Article Typ ( ok) - Article Row ( not working ) - Measure ( not working )

-> that two that are working...there is no possibility to make it searchable ;-(

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