date-picker on click shown with wrong style

Topic: date-picker on click shown with wrong style

twooclock asked 4 years ago

Expected behavior GoodStyle
Actual behavior NotSoGoodStyle
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
I'm showing datepicker via onclick javascript:

function showcalendar() {
            var $input = $('#test').pickadate();
          var picker = $input.pickadate('picker');

Why are styles different?
Bonus: where is API documentation on how to control datepicker via javascript?
Thank you!

Piotr Urbaniak commented 4 years ago

Hello twooclock, is the datepicker working properly now? Best regards

Hello twooclock,
as you may have noticed on our website there are two versions of the datepicker. I noticed you are using an older version. I encourage you to use the newer syntax that has been introduced since MDB 4.17.0

I recommend using the MDB 5 datepicker version which you can find: here

Best regards

twooclock answered 4 years ago

Hm my access is restricted? Am I not on MDB Pro account?

Access restricted

To view this code you must have an MDB Pro account

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Hello twooclock,
We had some difficulties with wordpress on Friday.

Do you still get this message or has access been restored?

Best regards

twooclock answered 4 years ago

Unfortunately I still get this message and can't access... Please help!

Adam Jakubowski staff pro premium priority answered 4 years ago


The support forum is dedicated to technical questions.

All questions regarding MDB licensing, products, partnerships and other non-technical queries - it should be asked directly to

I've reached out to you via email address assigned to your mdbootstrap account.

Best regards, 

Adam From MDB

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.19.2
  • Device: laptop
  • Browser: ff83
  • OS: win10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No