Customize mdbootstrap 4.4 beta with sass

Topic: Customize mdbootstrap 4.4 beta with sass

unam-dgae pro asked 8 years ago

we are wondering which is the correct way to customize, let's say, mdbootstrap4.4beta colors, using sass.

There is indeed the file _custom.scss which gets imported at the end of mdb.scss.
Unfortunately not a single variable of mdbootstrap has "!default" which means that any changes made in _custom.scss are discarded (due to sass variable precedence).

Following this pull request, we added "!default" to the vars we needed and it seems to solve our builds.
This also seems to be the way bootstrap4 handles it's variable declarations.

Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium answered 8 years ago

_custom.scss is a place where you should make all changes of MDB. There you can overwrite every single class of MDB's code. It's the best (and recommended) way to customize your MDB because you'll be sure that your changes won't be overwritten after upgrade MDB. Also, your _custom.scss file would be easier to migrate to MDB 4.4.*, 4.5.*, 4.6.* etc About the PR, I took a look at this and I can confirm this will be merged with the next update of MDB

unam-dgae pro commented 8 years ago

OK, thanks. We will keep the pull request changes then.


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