Topic: Changing in mdb js, gulp throws error, does not compile.
HealthPlix pro asked 6 years ago
*Expected behavior*it should compile my file and produce mdb.min.js without error
*Actual behavior*it throws an error as bellow *Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)*gulp file:
changes I've made in material-select.js:
note: even if I just save an unchanged js file, it throws same error i.e. changed code does not cause this error.
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- User: Pro
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB jQuery
- MDB Version: 4.8.0
- Device: Laptop
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: Ubuntu
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
TonyO pro commented 6 years ago
The error message is saying it can't find ./js/modules.js Gulp is looking for it to be in a folder js at the same heirarchal tree level as the gulp file. That would be my first check. if the js files were the issue you would get an error message back after the js-build started its run terminal output would says something like starting js-build. error after 400ms....
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium commented 6 years ago
can you confirm that modules.js is on its place? Also, what's your version of Node?