Just downloaded MDB Pro two days ago. Using the latest version available for download. I attempted a compile using Koala for desktop as well as git shell (powershell) and experienced the same error in both processes:
sass mdb.scss:mdb.css
Syntax error: (“lighten-5”: #ffebee, “lighten-4”: #ffcdd2, “lighten-3”: #ef9a9a,
“lighten-2”: #e57373, “lighten-1”: #ef5350, “base”: #f44336, “darken-1”: #e5393
5, “darken-2”: #d32f2f, “darken-3”: #c62828, “darken-4”: #b71c1c, “accent-1”: #f
f8a80, “accent-2”: #ff5252, “accent-3”: #ff1744, “accent-4”: #d50000) isn’t a va
lid CSS value.
on line 32 of mdbfree_mixins.scss, in `button-variant’
from line 194 of mdbfree_buttons.scss
from line 33 of mdb.scss
Use –trace for backtrace.
I have tried to search for solutions, but to no avail. Compile doesn't seem to like multiple colors defined for one variable. Please assist.
replace file _color.scss in directory sassmdbfree with that one :
Then please let me know what is the outcome of the compilation.
PS: Do you use compass or other sass-libraries ?
Hi Michael,
I'm not currently using/compiling any other sass-libraries... just this one. I've run a few tests previously with different code (not as complex) and not had a problem.
I replaced my _color.scss file with the file you linked to in the above and receive a very similar error. The only difference I can see is the line reference numbers.
Koala Error
Error: ("lighten-5": #FFEBEE, "lighten-4": #FFCDD2, "lighten-3": #EF9A9A, "lighten-2": #E57373, "lighten-1": #EF5350, "base": #F44336, "darken-1": #E53935, "darken-2": #D32F2F, "darken-3": #C62828, "darken-4": #B71C1C, "accent-1": #FF8A80, "accent-2": #FF5252, "accent-3": #FF1744, "accent-4": #D50000) isn't a valid CSS value.
on line 31 of MDB-Pro/sass - Copy/mdb/free/_mixins.scss, in `button-variant'
from line 203 of MDB-Pro/sass - Copy/mdb/free/_buttons.scss
from line 33 of MDB-Prosass - Copymdb.scss
Use --trace for backtrace.
Compass Compile Error (Powershell)
error sass/mdb.scss (Line 31 of sass/mdb/free/_mixins.scss: ("lighten-5": #FFEBEE, "lighten-4": #FFCDD2, "lighten-3": #EF9A9A, "lighten-2": #E57373, "lighten-1": #EF5350, "base": #F44336, "darken-1": #E53935, "darken-2": #D32F2F, "darken-3": #C62828, "darken-4": #B71C1C, "accent-1": #FF8A80, "accent-2": #FF5252, "accent-3": #FF1744, "accent-4": #D50000) isn't a valid CSS value.)
Dear dusterbed,
We have fixed the issue and created new version of MDB Pro. I just sent you the link to newest version, or you can download it from your account tab.
Our apologizes for incovenience.
Amazing! This new version compiles like a charm. I really appreciate how quickly you provided a solution to this! Thank you for your diligence.
We're happy to hear that, thank you! :)
Speaking of compiling Sass, I just downloaded MDB (the free version) today to check it out and I'm really digging it so far. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the correct way of compiling Sass is with MDB. Usually I would just create a style.scss file in my directory and then run sass --watch style.scss in my console... I tried sass --watch mbd.scss and it threw me an error.
Could anyone point me in the right direction? I'm new at this....
BTW, I forgot to mention that what I was initially trying to do was to change something in _navbar.scss before attempting to save and compile..
Dear Juliette,
Could you provide error details?
Hi Dawid,
This is the error that my console threw at me when I type sass --watch mbd.scss
error No such file or directory - mdb.scss
But when I type in compass watch (I'm new to Compass) it appears to be tracking my changes...but I don't see the changes...
Dear Juliette ,
This error indicates that you have specified wrong path to file.
Assuming that you have unzipped Material Design for Bootstrap framework into C:/mdb directory, change path in console to c:/ and then type
compass watch mdb
Now once you make a change in file, compass should inform you whether it manage to compile code or note.
Hi, I'm working with laravel and bootstrap 4, install mdb through npm, and when I'm going to compile it throws me the following error:
ERROR in ./node_modules/css-loader?{"url":true,"sourceMap":true,"importLoaders":1}!./node_modules/postcss-loader/lib?{"sourceMap":true,"ident":"postcss","plugins":[null]}!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader?{"sourceMap":true,"root":"/home/reblasquez/Sistemas/mbt_2/node_modules"}!./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js?{"precision":8,"outputStyle":"expanded","sourceMap":true}!./resources/assets/sass/app.scss
Module build failed:
$blue: (
("lighten-5": #E3F2FD, "lighten-4": #BBDEFB, "lighten-3": #90CAF9, "lighten-2": #64B5F6, "lighten-1": #42A5F5, "base": #2196F3, "darken-1": #1E88E5, "darken-2": #1976D2, "darken-3": #1565C0, "darken-4": #0D47A1, "accent-1": #82B1FF, "accent-2": #448AFF, "accent-3": #2979FF, "accent-4": #2962FF) isn't a valid CSS value.
in /home/reblasquez/Sistemas/mbt_2/node_modules/mdbootstrap/sass/mdb/free/data/_colors.scss (line 101, column 8)