
dencpiotr asked 10 years ago

sass mdb.scss:mdb.css Syntax error: ("lighten-5": #ffebee, "lighten-4": #ffcdd2, "lighten-3": #ef9a9a, "lighten-2": #e57373, "lighten-1": #ef5350, "base": #f44336, "darken-1": #e5393 5, "darken-2": #d32f2f, "darken-3": #c62828, "darken-4": #b71c1c, "accent-1": #f f8a80, "accent-2": #ff5252, "accent-3": #ff1744, "accent-4": #d50000) isn't a va lid CSS value. on line 32 of mdbfree_mixins.scss, in `button-variant' from line 194 of mdbfree_buttons.scss from line 33 of mdb.scss Use --trace for backtrace.

Dawid Adach pro answered 10 years ago

Dencpiotr, Thank you for msg. Could you let us know which compilation are you using and which version of MDB ?

PanRada pro answered 9 years ago

I join this problem - I'm using last version mdb and compile with compass last version too During import mdb.scss to my main style it going with this same error Any solution info ?

dusterbed pro answered 9 years ago

Same here.. I just downloaded the pro version two days ago. Compile doesn't seem to like the multiple color values within _colors.scss I tried compiling from Koala desktop, and also from git shell (powershell) using Compass compile. Same error message in each process.

PanRada pro answered 9 years ago

It seem is problem with compass compabality - dream team :) inform me it working on that Great job simple the best
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  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: General Bootstrap questions
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  • Provided sample code: No
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