Multiple Select iPhone bug

Topic: Multiple Select iPhone bug

Everton Gabriel pro asked 9 years ago

Hi there, I'm using the select multiple on my project and I found a bug. The
    option list must close when click out. But, on iOS it's is not happens. The
      still opened and the client can't close it. I tested the multiple select here, in your site, and the bug is present too. Note: the bug is not occurred on android. Just in iOS. (for iPhone and iPad). Can you help me to fix it? Tks

Michal Szymanski staff pro premium priority answered 9 years ago

Hi, what devices exactly and IOS version do you use?

Everton Gabriel pro answered 9 years ago

Hi there, iPhone 5C and 6 and Ipad 1 and 2 iOS 9.3.4 I verified this bug in any mdb-selection input. But, in simple selection, when selected an option, the <ul> closes. But if you don't choose a option and click out, the <ul> not closes. Waiting for answer. Tks

Michal Szymanski staff pro premium priority answered 9 years ago

Actually when user open the select you expect from him to choose an option. Then the select get close. However I added this issue to our ToDo list. I cannot offer you a quick solution because I don't have it. I need to go deep into it. I'm sorry.

cdenby pro answered 8 years ago

I think the statement here is still valid in April of 2017. If I go to on my iPhone (iOS 10.3.1) and move to the Multiple Select section, there's no way to close the drop-down. It simply hangs unless you leave safari and come back. There appears to be an issue with the population of the display field on the page regardless of the browser and platform. When you've selected all of the three items (Option 1, 2 and 3) you can get unpredictable results. Select Option 1 and Option 3 and what shows up as you close is "Option 2". I'm hoping to use this component pretty heavily here right away. It would be appreciated to have some insight as to how to make it work.
Hi, thank you for reporting your problem. We'll look at it and fix it soon.

cdenby pro answered 8 years ago

It seems that if you click on another input control on the page, the multi-select collapses but clicking on the document surface fails. I'm thinking I need to put a toaster up with a empty click event to be able to use this control. Any thoughts on when this might be fixed?
I can't tell when it will happen, but we'll fix the problem soon, that's for sure.

development pro answered 7 years ago

Hola, yo tenía el mismo problema con el componente "Multiple select" de mdb. La solución fue editar el código fuente de la biblioteca mdb.js dentro el componente $.fn.material_select En la línea:
selected = toggleEntryFromArray(valuesSelected, $(this).index() - 1, $select);
Reemplaza por:
selected = toggleEntryFromArray(valuesSelected, $(this).index(), $select);
Y así se solucionó en mi caso. Yo estoy usando Material Design for Bootstrap 4, Version: MDB PRO 4.4.4 commented 7 years ago

This issue still exists will all our iOS devices. We can reproduce it with all samples on your demo site: This issue was reported 2 years ago. Seems there is no interest to fix this?

Michal Szymanski staff pro premium priority answered 7 years ago

It's fixed in MDB 4.5.0 Check the solution in our documentation: We have also mentioned it in the changelog: Regards,
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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: General Bootstrap questions
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
  • Browser: -
  • OS: -
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No