Topic: Mixins
I have my LogoComponent.scss file and inside of it, I have:
.logo { background-color: green; @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { background-color: red; } }
However when I build it, I have the error: "No mixin named media-breakpoint-up" Where do I set this ?
Bartłomiej Malanowski
staff pro premium answered 6 years ago
To use our mixins you need to include the "core" from our scss files. I recommend you to put your custom styles to _custom-styles.scss as it's the way that allows you to use extends, our mixins and variables
xdon82 commented 6 years ago
where is that 'core' ? what is that file? where to look for it? how to import? I don't see full info how to configure that, to make it working? media-breakpoint-up for example
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium commented 6 years ago
The core is a directory which can be found in the scss directory
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