How do I get a fixed sidebar to fit underneath my navbar?

Topic: How do I get a fixed sidebar to fit underneath my navbar?

think pro asked 8 years ago

Hi, I am trying to design my website to have a fixed side navbar that fits under my top navbar. Right now, the fixed sidenav sits on top of the side navbar and I do not like how it looks. Basically, this is what I currently have: And this is the layout that I want: Also, how would I code this so the sidebar is still responsive and collapses for mobile devices? Please let me know. Thanks!

Ollie Vincent pro answered 7 years ago

Hi all,

I know a few people have been looking for a solution to this - and I think I may be half the way there. It is all about making the sidebar sticky. I will paste the code below for anyone who wants it. I am using MDB 4.5 - please make sure you have the PRO version, and all the js and css files link up correctly (correct file paths).

PLEASE NOTE: I have styled everthing in the <head><style> </style></head> so you will want to put everything into a separate css file. I did this because it was easier to work on 1 file for a demo.

I know sometimes the code editor doesn't always work correctly on this forum (it knocks off spaces) so I have uploaded a demo here: which you are welcome to use. Maybe you can rip from the source.

Hope this helps :)

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body{overflow-x: hidden; }

.side-nav{ position: sticky!important; top:0!important; height:100vh;

background:purple; box-shadow:none; padding-top: 3rem;}

/*{position:sticky; top:0; z-index: 999999; bottom:auto;} */

.navbar.fixed-top{z-index: 999999999;}

.fixed-top{position: sticky !important;}

main{margin-top:-100vh; }

header, main, footer {

padding-left: 240px;



{.side-nav{ position:fixed !important; margin-bottom: 0; top:0; padding-top:5rem;}

header, main, footer {

padding-left: 0;




@media(min-width: 901px){

.menu-btn{display: none!important;}









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eum, officia laudantium quaerat?



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<!-- MDB core JavaScript -->


<script>// SideNav Button Initialization


// SideNav Scrollbar Initialization

varsideNavScrollbar = document.querySelector('.custom-scrollbar');




Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium answered 8 years ago

Could you please attach a larger screenshot?

think pro answered 8 years ago

My mistake! I didn't realize that the images had compressed: Current Navbar: Desired Navbar Thanks again for the help!

Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium answered 8 years ago

Do you still have the problem?

think pro answered 8 years ago

Yep! Still haven't figured it out yet. Any help would be appreciated!

Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 8 years ago

Hi, if you have our a double navigation and use our skins, you can remove fixed-sn from E.G. <body class="fixed-sn blue-skin"> and then in CSS file you can paste this code:
.side-nav {
  margin-top: 51px;

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  .side-nav {
    margin-top: 41px;

.double-nav {
  z-index: 1000;

@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
  .double-nav .breadcrumb-dn {
    display: none;
This solution should help in some way.

think pro answered 8 years ago

Thank you! I am actually using MDBootstrap 3 however, and I don't think those classes are instituted in v3. How would I accomplish this in MDB3?

Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 8 years ago

For MDB3 you can add this code in your CSS file:
.side-nav {
              margin-top: 60px;
        .navbar {
            z-index: 1000; 

think pro answered 8 years ago

Thank you so much!!

Jonathan Yates pro answered 8 years ago

I am also wanting to have the same layout with the sidebar below the top navbar. I think this looks much better than having it span the full height of the page. I'm seeing more and more templates like this and really like the layout, particularly for admin sites. Something like this: It would be really nice for mdbootstrap to include an example of this layout in their page layouts section and also provide an admin template like this as an alternative to the existing one which uses he full page height sidebar.

Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 8 years ago

Hello Jonathan, we will think about this type of layout and add this in the future. Best, Marta

ljacobsen commented 7 years ago

I also would prefer this type of layout. It's much better to keep the brand icon permanently visible on the navbar.

nzeditions pro answered 7 years ago

Hi, about 9 months ago, you (Marta Szymanska) said above, that you would have the team consider adding this type of layout in the future, that layout type being... a sidebar that fits underneath the navbar as in the example shown in the link above... Has there been any advancement on this idea yet? We would appreciate it if you could provide an update on this feature as to whether it has been considered yet or not please. Totally understand the complexities of making this an option for your users but as mentioned by others, this kind of layout is quite popular and would be another positive to the MDB package as a whole. Thank you for your help and consideration :) Regards, Grant

jivancic pro commented 7 years ago

Completely agree .

hbs pro commented 7 years ago

Yeah, would be nice to have it

Chen commented 7 years ago

Also would love to have that

velodude commented 6 years ago

This ask started a couple years ago -- how about it MDB, any progress? I'm sure there are thousands of us who would love this...

Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 6 years ago


in the past we didn't have a good solution for the layout with sidenav under navbar but I think together with the newest Bootstrap 4.2.1 we will create such a layout in January.



Blazquez pro answered 6 years ago

Hi Marta,

Any update on this?


Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 6 years ago


this feature will be released in the next two weeks.

Best, Marta

anuragd7 answered 6 years ago

Hi Marta Is this feature released? Thanks

Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 6 years ago


check this layout:

Best, Marta

novvia commented 5 years ago

Does this exist for the Angular version?

Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium commented 5 years ago

Yes, you can find it here:

michaelferns commented 5 years ago

Was a React based solution ever published anywhere?

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 5 years ago

Did you check this: ?

michaelferns commented 5 years ago

I've seen that, but it isn't the look I'm going for. It seems that a solution for a fixed sidebar under a fixed navbar was produced for every variant other than React.

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 5 years ago

I can only give you a basic information about react. If you need more information you should open new topic and specify in the post settings that the question concerns react.

lham pro premium priority commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to set up this double navigation with Angular & MDB 5. However, this composition documentation that exists in version 4 does not exist in 5.

Is it possible to do this with and ?

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 3 years ago

It is possible to combine the two components you mentioned to achieve a similar effect like in MDB 4. If you encounter any further problems please open a new thread in the Angular category and provide more information about the composition you need to create.

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  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: General Bootstrap questions
  • MDB Version: -
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes