hidden-*-down not working

eric1972 pro asked 8 years ago

Hi I tried 4.4.1 with bootstrap 4 beta, only hidden-md-down work correct, I made a simple page for this issue, please check  http://bobo2010.ddns.net/eric/admin/main_nav.php I added hidden-sm-down class to every nav-link to hide word when in small device, there are no problem with previous version 4.4.0 alpha 6, any idea?
Hi, as I understand, your aim is to hide nav-links on small devices? If yes, read the documentation: https://mdbootstrap.com/layout/bootstrap-navigation/ and https://mdbootstrap.com/javascript/sidenav/, pick your example and use the right code, that's all you need, without any additional classes. If your problem is associated only with .hidden-*-down, read the documentation: https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/layout/responsive-utilities/ and try, for example, use this class with simple paragraph text to see that it works well.  

Sebastian C pro answered 8 years ago

The hidden-* classes have been removed from bootstrap v4-beta and has been replaced by d-none classes.

* Made display utilities responsive (e.g., .d-none and d-{sm,md,lg,xl}-none).
* Dropped the bulk of .hidden-* utilities for new display utilities.
  For example, instead of .hidden-sm-up, use .d-sm-none.

To replace hidden-md-down, you would instead use both classes d-none and d-md-flex  (or block, inline, etc)
This should hide everything above size xs then display everything above size md


See display utilities:

See migration notes:


eric1972 pro answered 8 years ago

thank you for help, I'll do hidden-* classes by my self, now I got another question, I have mdb pro version, and now I have to publish project to my customer's server, I can include mdb.min.css/mdb.min.js right?  no need to encrypt these files? or something else? thank you and forgive my poor English.  
Yes, you can just include mentioned files.
Please insert min. 20 characters.


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  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: General Bootstrap questions
  • MDB Version: -
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No