Topic: Toast opacity
Damian Gemza
staff answered 7 years ago
#toast-container > mdb-toast-component
itdev pro commented 7 years ago
The current default is in version 5.2.3 is 0.5. Can you provide a way to change that in the global settings or change the default to .95 since it does not appear good at all on dark backgrounds.Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
Dear itdev, You can overwrite this code on your global styles.scss file. It won't be orverwritten after update. Best Regards, Damian
pro answered 7 years ago
I also managed to adjust it in the component, toast.component.ts
adjust the state opacity, originally it is set to .5
@Component({ selector:'mdb-toast-component', templateUrl:'./toast.component.html', animations: [ trigger('flyInOut', [ state( 'inactive', style({ display:'none', opacity:0 }) ), state('active', style({ opacity:1 })), state('removed', style({ opacity:0 })), transition('inactive => active', animate('300ms ease-in')), transition('active => removed', animate('300ms ease-in')) ]) ] })
Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
Thanks for your suggest. We will think about how to implement this in nice way in our future releases. Best Regards, Damianitdev pro commented 7 years ago
We would like an option for this instead of overriding your files. Every time we have to do that, upgrading becomes a nightmare.FREE CONSULTATION
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