Topic: Template or HTML in Toast
pro premium priority asked 5 years ago
I am trying to use a Toast / Notification with a custom message using HTML, the Angular docs ( for notations list an option of "enableHtml" but how does this work? and is this the right option to allow custom html in the toast/notification message?
Can it be done?
Konrad Stępień
staff answered 5 years ago
Hi @MikeOnline,
Yes, you can provide HTML like this:
<a mdbBtn color="info" class="waves-light" (click)="showInfo()" mdbWavesEffect>Info message</a>
showInfo() {'<b>Success</b> message', '', { enableHtml: true });
But remember, this option is "unsafe" because you can provide too many elements along with styles which can spoil the notification view
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