Topic: Server side rendering (universal) impossible. (KeyboardEvent/MouseEvent/window/Event)
carloscabanita pro answered 7 years ago
Damian Gemza staff answered 7 years ago
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Lesther Caballero pro commented 7 years ago
I found a temporary solution. Go to the carousel folder=>carousel.components.ts, search for the word "KeyboardEvent" (line 428) which is an interface and replace it for "any"TURKI Hosni pro commented 7 years ago
Thank you for your answer, but it only partially answers the problem (I already solved this by placing a replacement in the webpack config test: /.(ts|js)$/, loader: 'regexp-replace-loader', options: {match: {pattern: '\ [(Mouse | Keyboard) Event \]', flags: 'g'}, replaceWith: '[]',} But that does not solve window problems for example, I am forced to rewrite the components as for example for sidenav: // pobraneie szerokosci okna po init if (isPlatformBrowser (this.platformId)) { // Client only code. this.windwosWidth = window.innerWidth; } if (isPlatformServer (this.platformId)) { // Server only code. .... } But I can not do this for all the compenents that will take too much time and I would lose the benefits of having paid a license to avoid me just that. But thanks again.