Problem using tabs

Topic: Problem using tabs

IT Operations pro premium asked 3 years ago


I am trying to use tabs, but I get an error in console.

I followed the steps from 'manual installation' from here:

This is the code I use:

  <mdb-tab title="Tab 1">Tab content 1</mdb-tab>
  <mdb-tab title="Tab 2">Tab content 2</mdb-tab>
  <mdb-tab title="Tab 3">Tab content 3</mdb-tab>


ERROR NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(AppModule)[TabsetComponent -> TabsetComponent -> TabsetComponent]: NullInjectorError: No provider for TabsetComponent!

Can you guide we to understand what am I doing wrong? Thank you.

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 3 years ago

Did you import MdbTableModule as explained here?

IT Operations pro premium commented 3 years ago

It looks like MdbTableModule can't be found, so I cannot add it. I followed the steps from 'manual installation' from here: After that, I have also installed, from 'Advanced installation' section, ng add mdb-angular-ui-kit, and I still cannot find the component.

I added MdbTabsModule like explained in your link, because it looked like I should, but MdbTableModule I can't find it.

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff answered 3 years ago

I am sorry, it looks like a made a typo, I meant MdbTabsModule there.

You added MDB5 2.3.0 in the description of this issue but I think the problem is caused by another library.

We have two types of Angular products - MDB Angular 4 with Bootstrap 4 (angular-bootstrap-md/ng-uikit-pro-standard) and MDB Angular 5 with Bootstrap 5 (mdb-angular-ui-kit). I think you use <mdb-tabset> component from MDB Angular 4 instead of <mdb-tabs> from MDB Angular 5.

If you need to install and configure ng-uikit-pro-standard package, you can find more information here (please make sure to change tab to 'Pro'):

Installation and configuration:

Modules and imports:

IT Operations pro premium commented 3 years ago

enter image description here I am trying to use mdb-tabs from MDB Angular 5. I am not sure what product do I have. I looked at my orders and It looks like I have the product from attached image. Is this enough for accessing from MDB Angular 5, or I just have access to MDB Angular 4 with Bootstrap 4?

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 3 years ago

It looks like you have access only to the pro version of the MDB Angular 4. In this case, you need to use instructions from the documentation I provided in my answer.

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: MDB5 2.3.0
  • Device: All
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes