Topic: MdbSelectModule has no exported member 'MdbSelectModule'
willyeruiz asked 5 years ago
I need to use MdbSelectModule on my html, I hope the control works fine using like the docs said.I get this error:
ERROR in src/app/angular-mat/MDBAngular.module.ts:11:10 - error TS2724: Module '"../../../node_modules/ng-uikit-pro-standard/ng-uikit-pro-standard"' has no exported member 'MdbSelectModule'. Did you mean 'MdbTreeModule'?
I add MdbSelectModule on imports and then add MdbSelectModule on imports and exports arrays on @NgModule.
By the way, this page (ask questions) is a mess, why "Specify MDB Version" field is mandatory if option "Other" dissabled it?
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- User: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: 9.3.0
- Device: macbook pro
- Browser: safari
- OS: mac OIS
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 5 years ago
Hi. Specify MDB Version is not mandatory if you select Other. But I see that your question is about Angular. I've passed your thread to the correct category and forward it to people who will be able to help you.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
Do you use MDB Angular version 9.3.0?
willyeruiz commented 5 years ago
Hi, BujansKi. If you can see the angular option in dropdownlist, please let me know!! the angular option doesn't exists.But I need to select someone in order to request help!
Hi IdziKowski, yes my version is MDB Angular pro 9.3.0, thanks for your help
willyeruiz commented 5 years ago
Hi Bujanski, if I select "other" option on dropdownlist, the version field is mandatory, doesn't matter the option that I select.
willyeruiz commented 5 years ago
Hi all, this is the site where I extract the code: but my results is totally diferent. I use Multiple Select section.
willyeruiz commented 5 years ago
This is the result to apply the code in the Url on my html. I use the API like you said.
If I change mdb-select-2 tag to mdb-select and delete MdbSelectModule from imports, this is my result:
The option select is in all in a row
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
There is probably something wrong with library configuration. Did you install @angular/cdk library? Please add the content of your app.module and angular.json files to the first post of this thread.
willyeruiz commented 5 years ago
yes, I have "@angular/cdk": "^6.2.1" on my package json. But I need to use, MDBPro! the question is: Your step is wrong! I did all the steps in your url and I have a error. please give me an example how I can use "SELECT" control using MDB angular pro, not angular material. thanks
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
We won't be able to help without additional information about which I asked in my previous comment. Please provide the content of your app.module, angular.json and package.json files. If you use MDB GitLab Token in your package.json please do not paste it here, because it's your private token.