MDB 5 Disablewindow scroll

Topic: MDB 5 Disablewindow scroll

harland asked a year ago

Expected behavior To disable the scroll on sidenav when disableWindowScroll is true

*Actual behavior*It is not disabled.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

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        Lose<span class="badge ml-2 rounded-pill warm h-50 my-auto d-flex align-items-center px-3">{{
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          {{ link.label }}
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    <ul class="fixed-bottom fw-light sidenav-menu bg-purple pb-3" style="height: auto">
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enter image description here

Rafał Seifert commented a year ago

Do you want to disable the scrollbar that appears on your sidenav element on the right? That is caused propably by height of the sidenav. Or do you want to disable the possibility of scrolling the whole website?

harland commented a year ago

Thanks for the reply. Only the sidenav as per screen shot (not the entire website), I want to hide or not display that vertical scrollbar in the sidenav.

Rafał Seifert commented a year ago

Do you have more content in the sidenav that is not shown on the screenshot? Like a footer on the bottom? It looks like your sidenav's height is over 100vh. If so you could use this example to provide scroll only for a part of the sidenav that has more items.

Please edit your post and provide a sample code how you implement the sidenav so we can further investigate your case. disableWindowScroll input is not used to control scrollbar inside sidenav. It's meant to disable whole website scrolling when sidenav is opened in over mode.

harland commented a year ago

I pasted the template code with sidenav

Rafał Seifert commented a year ago

Please try to edit this scss variable in your global styles.scss file. Define it before importing mdb.scss files. If that does not help structure your code like in this example:

$scrollbar-thumb-x-y-length: 0rem;

It seems like you try to display only one .sidenav-menu at once that is 100vh high which seems to be right. But at the bottom you have this element:

    <ul class="fixed-bottom fw-light sidenav-menu bg-purple pb-3" style="height: auto">
    <span class="grey-text px-4" style="font-size: xx-small">
      {{environment.buildNumber }}

This element has some height and combined with proper sidenav the total height is over 100vh and scrollbar is initiated.

Let me assure my thinking: you want the scroll behaviour (proper links+footer) but you want the scrollbar to be unvisible (for aesthetics).

Have you tried to create your structure with mdb-sidenav-items? I can see you are using plain li elements.

harland commented a year ago

I removed that but it was still showing scrollbar, I fixed it by redoing all of it. Somewhere somehow is making adding height to the overall and was causing the scrollbar to appear.

Rafał Seifert commented a year ago

Have you tried to overwrite this variable? $scrollbar-thumb-x-y-length: 0rem;

Did you manage to get the right solution? Do you need any more help?

harland commented 12 months ago

Yes, I get the right solution but not the suggested here. It was when I redid the entire sidenav, there was something else that is causing it. I did not override or use this $scrollbar-thumb-x-y-length: 0rem to fix the issue. And I am still using ul and li and I can give the code if you are interested and you can close this issue, if you need to. Thanks for the suggestions!

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: MDB5 5.2.0
  • Device: Macbook
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: MacOS
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No