Topic: datepicker bug
if you select format "mm/dd/yy" datepicker displays data correctly. If you insert new data it populates and display data correctly, but if you update existing data it will be populated with invalid 2-digit year. For example, if data.nextDate (public nextDate!: Date | null;) is null and I click on datepicker and select December 31, data.nextDate will be 12/31/2024. If data.nextDate is 12/31/2024, it will be displayed correctly as 12/31/24. However, if I click on datepicker and change date to December 30, data.nextDate will be 12/30/24 instead of 12/30/2024. If I click Clear button first and then select December 30, data.nextDate will be 12/30/2024. Please fix this bug. Thank you.
[mdbDatepicker]="dpNextDate "
(click)="dpNextDate .open()"
<mdb-datepicker-toggle [mdbDatepicker]="dpNextDate "></mdb-datepicker-toggle>
<mdb-datepicker #dpNexDate
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- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: MDB5 6.1.0
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- Browser: Chrome
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Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 3 months ago
I added this to our to-do list. We will check that and let you know what we found (or add a fix).