Card Flipping - Reveal - Event Determination

Topic: Card Flipping - Reveal - Event Determination

Jan Louw pro asked 5 years ago


I'm working with Flipping Card - Reveal and was wondering how to determine when the "Reveal" side of the card is being displayed - I'm populating the Reveal side with dynamic data.

Had a look at the API, but I don't understand the Event (animationStart)="onAnimationStart()", or how to code for it.

Regards Jan

Bartosz Termena staff answered 5 years ago

Dear @Jan Louw

This Events are assign only to CardRotatingComponent, they will not work in CardRevealComponent.

I apologize for the unclear documentation.

In the near future we will think about adding these events to Reveal Cards.

Best Regards, Bartosz.

Jan Louw pro commented 5 years ago

Dear Bartosz,

Thank you for your response, and awaits the feature.


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