Topic: Autocomplete using observable from service
asked 5 years ago
I would like to add a autocomplete component to my app. I tried the basic example from
this works just fine as it is. However I would like to replace the data with input from a service.
My service has this oberservable defined
users$ = this.http.get<ReturnedUsers>('url')
map(data => data.result ),
tap(data => console.log('Users: ', JSON.stringify(data))),
In my component I fetch it with this
users$ = this.userService.users$
catchError(err => {
return EMPTY;
In my template I can display the result with a *ngFor so the observable do return results.
The model for User is
export interface User {
name: string;
user_name: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
email: string;
export interface ReturnedUsers {
result: User[];
My question is what do I need to change in the basic example to get it to work with my observable instead of the "data" property*
EDIT: I figured out how to populate the dropdownlist but can't figure out the search part.
I now got this in my html:
class="completer-input form-control mdb-autocomplete"
placeholder="Choose user"
<mdb-auto-completer #auto="mdbAutoCompleter" textNoResults="I have found no results :(" >
<mdb-option *ngFor="let user of users " [value]="">
{{}} - {{user.user_name.display_value}} - {{}}
This populates the dropdown box. But without the search part.
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- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: 8.8.2
- Device: pc
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: Windows 10
- Provided sample code: No
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Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
Can you share full ts code so we can check how you configured the autocomplete?