Topic: Angular collapse not resizing correctly
Dawid Adach
pro answered 7 years ago
public resize():void { constcontainer=this._el.nativeElement; this.maxHeight=this._el.nativeElement.scrollHeight; this._renderer.setElementStyle(container, 'height', this.maxHeight+'px'); }
@ViewChild('test') myCollapse; [...]
this.myCollapse._el.nativeElement.innerHTML='Anim pariatur ....'; this.myCollapse.resize();
pro answered 7 years ago
<button class="btn btn-primary waves-light" type="button" (click)="test.toggle()" mdbRippleRadius>
Toggle collapse
<div class="" [mdbCollapse]="isCollapsed" #test="bs-collapse">
Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Dear Alberto, could you please share this sample via email : or some pastebin ? I am not sure what card.userComment is aboutAlberto pro commented 7 years ago
The angular component exposes an array collection of objects as in data = Array. It is populated in ngInit by calling a service and subscribing to the returned Observable collection. The CardObject is a POCO that exposes several properties including userComment. Does this clarifies a bit? Cheers, AlbertoDawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Dear Alberto, can you call resize() after populating comments ? What is the result?
pro answered 7 years ago
Hire our experts to build a dedicated project. We'll analyze your business requirements, for free.
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- Technology: MDB Angular
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- Provided sample code: No
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Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Hi Alberto, looking into this. Will come back to you as soon as we will get more information on that. Could you please meanwhile provide us with the input data which you use? Are they anyhow specific? Long strings etc?Alberto pro commented 7 years ago
Hi, it's just a paragraph of user comments retrieved with an observable e.g. Toggle collapse {{card.userComment}}