Angular Bootstrap WYSIWYG Editor not working

Topic: Angular Bootstrap WYSIWYG Editor not working

JeroenVunderink pro premium asked 5 years ago

Expected behavior To have the WYSIWYG editor to work

Actual behavior Not shown on the screen.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) 1) I upgrade my Angular MBD to version 9.3.1 2) Installed the plugin according to the doc 3) Added "import { MdbWysiwygModule } from 'mdb-wysiwyg'" to app.module.ts 4) Added the basic demo to a simple form: <mdb-wysiwyg></mdb-wysiwyg> ... And NOTHING

Questions: 1) Do I need to do more in app.module.ts than add the import, so add MdbWysiwygModule to imports or providers? And if so why is this not in the docs? 2) How do I make this very simple example work....

Thanks in advance for the help.

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago

Did you add the imported module to the imports array in the app.module.ts? Are there any errors in the console when you try to use mdb-wysiwyg component?

JeroenVunderink pro premium answered 5 years ago

I added: imports: [ MdbWysiwygModule to app.module.ts.

It still didn't work so I restarted visual code and now it works! Thanks.

muzz826 answered 5 years ago

When you do the import for mdbWysiwygModule where is it supposed to be importing from? I downloaded the zip and extracted mdb-wysiwyg-9.3.1.tgz into my project, but I'm not sure where it's supposed to import from. I've tried:

import { MdbWysiwygModule } from 'mdb-wysiwyg-9.3.1.tgz';

and a few other variations for the from, but can't get it to work.

muzz826 commented 5 years ago

Disregard. I didn't realize I needed to do the npm install if I was copying the file in. I ran > npm install mdb-wysiwyg-9.3.1.tgz --save

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago

Is the problem resolved?

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: 9.3.1
  • Device: MacBook
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: MacOS
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No