WordPress database error: [Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql-temptable-2532-2979d36-8.MAI' (Errcode: 28 "No space left on device")]
SELECT p.*, c.Name as CategoryName, c.Slug as CategorySlug, c.Code as CategoryCode, ( CAST(p.UpvoteCount as SIGNED) - CAST(p.DownvoteCount as SIGNED) ) as Votes FROM wp_mdb_forum_posts AS p LEFT JOIN wp_mdb_forum_categories c ON( c.Id = p.CategoryId ) WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 AND p.Status != "pending" AND p.CategoryId = 1004 GROUP BY p.Id ORDER BY p.LastActivityDate DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 860

MDB React support - Community Forum

WordPress database error: [Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql-temptable-2532-2979d36-b.MAI' (Errcode: 28 "No space left on device")]
SELECT p.*, o.option_value, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(m.meta_key, "::", m.meta_value) separator "::::") as seo_meta, t.slug, tr.language_code as language FROM wp_posts p JOIN wp_postmeta m ON p.ID = m.post_id JOIN wp_options o ON o.option_name = "siteurl" JOIN wp_term_relationships r ON r.object_id = p.ID JOIN wp_term_taxonomy x ON x.term_taxonomy_id = r.term_taxonomy_id JOIN wp_terms t ON t.term_id = x.term_id JOIN wp_icl_translations tr ON p.ID = tr.element_id WHERE post_type = "page" AND post_status = "publish" AND tr.language_code = 'en' AND t.slug IN ('jquery') AND x.taxonomy = "page_cat" AND tr.element_type = "post_page" AND meta_key IN ("_yoast_wpseo_title", "_yoast_wpseo_metadesc") GROUP BY p.ID

WordPress database error: [Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql-temptable-2532-2979d36-c.MAI' (Errcode: 28 "No space left on device")]

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