MDB support

Status Topic Category Views Answers Votes
Nested dropdowns in MDB5 v7
webservices pro premium priority commented 5 months ago
MDB Standard 186 1 0
Secondary button (.btn-secdondary) is messed up
webservices pro premium priority answered 6 months ago
MDB Standard 203 2 0
Importing Parallax plugin with ES format. How?
webservices pro premium priority commented 7 months ago
MDB Standard 240 1 0
Plans to update base Bootstrap version?
anderewson334 answered 10 months ago
MDB Standard 341 1 0
Animate parameter onEnd is not triggering the callback function
victormarcel09 answered 11 months ago
MDB Standard 347 1 0
.form-outline does not work as a column.
Grzegorz Bujański staff answered 11 months ago
MDB Standard 401 1 0
$link-decoration has no effect because it is not used in _reboot.scss
kpienkowska staff answered 12 months ago
MDB Standard 297 1 0
Perfect Scrollbar causing console error: too much recursion
AmandaJansen commented 12 months ago
MDB Standard 438 4 0
Sidenav _variables.scss not taking effect. JS adds .sidenav-primary
webservices pro premium priority commented a year ago
MDB Standard 359 2 0
Gutters are not working. No horizontal spacing.
webservices pro premium priority commented a year ago
MDB Standard 269 1 0


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